Friday, November 04, 2005

You Tell Me

So brave Sir Williams and i accompanied Spagnoli the Elder to a vet party two nights past. I can't tell you much, but i can say i now have a picture on my camera-phone (it's from the future, when we gave our electronics genitals and let them have sex with eachother) which clearly (poorly) depicts SEAN THOMAS SPAGNOLI drinkig a shot of 99 BANANAS from AN ICE LOUGE. Now, it's easy to say that from that point on, i had a pretty awesome time, but was it a victory? a true victory in the skitsophrenic sense of the word? Well kids, you tell me.
The party had the following:
+ A never-ending flow of booze
+ Live bluegrass band
? Allen and i's beer-pong record 1-1
+ A nice conversation with two girls (who weren't Kim, Jess, Liana or Rachel!!)
? An offer for dude sex
-and finally, during my little chat with the ladies, which had been going well, they called me out on some manner of nonsense i had been spouting and some sort of primal fight or flight response kicks in, i think triggered by having two older females chewing me out. Instead of handling my slip-up like a mature adult i think i said something like 'yeah, you're right, hold on just a sec' and then turned tail and bolted for the door. Not even a goodbye. Why? because i was drunk and challenged.
In hindsight i cannot explain my hastey retreat, but i think the rest of the evening speaks for itself: a week wherein the vet students have 16+ hours of test over four days inevitably leads to a "crazy go nuts" party.
peace in the north east
bil out


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