Hey, let's try this "blog" thing one more time, ok?
TECHNOBABBLE ASIDE - we just did a set at the National Comedy College Festival at beautiful Skidmore College in wondrous Saratoga Springs. I think it's fair to say that the Skits put on one of their strongest performances in years at the festival and we had a bucket of fun too. Good job to all those groups out there, and good job to us too! Yay!
Highlights from the trip:
-McGuerty's purchase of the Beavis and Butthead Experience on cassette tape.
-Harvard Sailing Team
-The freshman men buying and wearing party shirts for the party party.
-Shane's emergence from chrysalis as a beautiful butterfly.
-The Cotillion the women prepared and organized. (Good job, girls! Yeah, I think we DID dance too much!)
-Turkey the Invisible (but Loud) Cat
ALL jokes aside, it was a blast. Can't wait till next year.