Monday, April 30, 2007

Bantha Fodder

All right, first things first, we suck at keeping this blog up. I feel sorry for any one who actually reads this thing hoping to see what is going on in the lives of the Skits. But we did have a good show a while back, semester is almost over, etc. That's not what I'm here to talk about. I'm here to tell you of the funniest thing I have seen in time immemorial.
For reasons I don't want to understand, I turned on my TV today to find that it was playing in slow-motion. I'm not really sure I can convey how hilarious it is to watch Seinfield with every thing occuring at half speed. The dialouge is so bass as to be nearly incomprehensible - even the women speak like Xerxes in 300, their voices smooth like warm oil on well worn leather and deep as thunder. The theme song sounds like a funeral dirge played by the phantom of the opera. But by far the funniest thing is the laughter. It's like the entire audience is of the Hutt family, delivering deep belly laughs after each punchline:
"Iiiiiiit'ssssss aaaaaahhhhh jjuuuuunnnniorrrrrrr mmmmintttddd"


Blogger "The Nickname" Scharfman said...

Dank's right, we need to update this bad mamajama more often.

On a more awesome note, I only have 1 final. On a more nostalgic Post It that will be stuck to the aforementioned note, because I only have 1 final I'll be leaving not only Cornell, but the greater Ithaca region really soon. It's sad to see us part, dear Ithaca, and that goes out to all of the Skitsos and Skits' fans out there (although I'm quite convinced the group's members and alumni are the only people who read this blog). On a more Star Wars-esque addendum to said Post It (stuck to the aformentioned note), the melancholy I feel for leaving all of you is like the sadness felt by that guy in the helmet and bare chest who mourns the death of Jabba's Rancor whom Luke killed by closing the gate on its head.

- JarJar Binks

1:01 PM  

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